Whether you’re planning a child’s birthday party or baby shower, or just happen to like Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit, there are lots of printables you can use to create a make-believe wonderland. Our favorite printables vendor on Etsy has a large selection of high-quality printables that you can buy in a group or one at a time for your event. Check Vectoria Designs for sales before you buy, because they often have them. As we are writing this post, the entire store is 50% off, meaning you can really indulge right now.
Beatrix Potter published The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902, right in the middle of the Victorian period. So these printables are a good fit for a Victorian Steampunk theme. But, even if you aren’t interested in Steampunk, Peter Rabbit is a delightful nursery decoration theme or party theme for a young child. If you’d like to buy the entire Beatrix Potter collection of tales for a baby shower or new baby gift, this set is very nice.
Victorian Peter Rabbit Printables
Peter Rabbit Mega Bundle, Beatrix Potter Kit
The best deal from Vectoria Designs is their Peter Rabbit Mega Bundle. You can get over 200 individual printables all in one kit. This kit is even better if you catch it on sale. When you click through to the product page, you will find a list of all the printables included in the kit along with the URL for each one. They are organized by type for easier searching. But if you don’t need the entire kit, then take a look at the individual Peter Rabbit printables below.
Peter Rabbit Mega Bundle, Beatrix Potter Kit
Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit Printable Papers
Vectoria Designs has a large selection of printable papers with the Peter Rabbit theme. Some of these are designed to create a junk journal or use for scrapbooking. We’ve only selected six styles to show you on this page, but there are lots more if you search for Peter Rabbit on their Etsy site. All of the printables print out on an 8.5″ x 11″ paper when downloaded at home. The colors for all of these papers are pastels, soft color palette of blue, pink, green, and yellow. You can get more information by clicking any of the links below.
Peter Rabbit Garden JournalPeter Rabbit Travel Paper Pack
Tales Of Beatrix Potter Paper Pack
Peter Rabbit Journal Kit
Peter Rabbit Paper Pack
Peter Rabbit Papers
Peter Rabbit Baby Shower Party Packs
If you prefer a ready-made pack just for hosting a party, you can select from the three shown here. You can use either the pink or blue if you know the baby’s sex, or choose the neutral party pack. These packs come with a banner, tea toppers, popcorn boxes, bag toppers, cupcake toppers or stickers, food stand labels, drinking straw flags, papers and other elements. Or you can use these printables to create an awesome gift for the new parents.
Peter Rabbit Party Pack BluePeter Rabbit Party Pack Pink
Peter Rabbit Party Pack, Baby Shower Gift
Peter Rabbit Printable Stationary Envelopes
This set of printable envelopes can be used to mail invitations, write a letter to mail to the new parents, or use to hand out prizes or other items to party guests. The designs are so cute to use any time for thank you notes or just regular mail. It’s easy to combine them with any of the printable papers shown above.
Peter Rabbit Printable Stationary Envelopes
Printable Peter Rabbit Tickets
These printable Peter Rabbit tickets can be used in several ways. They can be used for an invitation or for an activity during your party. Or they can be used for an imaginary trip to visit Peter Rabbit. We’re sure you can think of loads of ideas for using these adorable tickets that will thrill your guests.
Printable Peter Rabbit Tickets
Printable Peter Rabbit Postcards
For sending thank you notes, or any quick note to a friend, these postcards are the perfect choice. They also make great images for a small frame to set on a desk or in a nursery. There are four different cards to print out at home. If you use them to make postcards to mail, be sure to print out on cardstock. Regular paper won’t hold up if you send it in the mail.
Printable Peter Rabbit Postcards
Peter Rabbit Gift Tags
These adorable Peter Rabbit gift tags can be used in several ways. They can be printed out on cardstock and be used as gift tags for the new mom or for party favors handed out at the baby shower. They can also be used for markers for books, party food, and in a baby bedroom decor. We’re sure you can come up with more ideas.
Peter Rabbit Words & Elements Printables
This group of printables is extra elements and printed words and sayings that can be mixed in with any of the other printables on this page. Whether you place them around a baby shower setting, create a collage or scrapbook at home, or give them to your favorite teacher to use in a classroom, these elements are the finishing touch for many projects. You can even use them in a craft project for a child’s birthday party for kids to take home.
Peter Rabbit Words & Elements Printable
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