Sometimes the simplest accessories can really make an outfit. That is surely true with these incredible hair picks and hair combs by Antickquities. These darling hair adornments are so cheap that anyone can buy them for themselves or a gift. They are the perfect accessory for your steampunk outfit or just for fun. The hair accessories on this page are only a selection of what is available. Each item is made from clock hands and clock parts in the color that you desire. You can also just buy the parts from this artist and make some hair accessories for yourself. Here are just a few of the items you can order.
Many of the styles shown on this page are available in several colors. You can see the colors on each page as you order. The configurations of the hair picks can change by adjusting them with a screw. They are so unique and made by hand. Great for a Renaissance fair or Halloween.
Besides hair picks, this artist also makes these lovely hair combs. They comb in various size groupings, so check to see how many you get. It amazes me that these items are so cheap, about $9 or $10 depending on which one you choose.
In addition to the clockwork hair accessories shown here, the artist also has several Christmas ornaments, earrings, ear cuffs and parts to make your own accessories. A great find and lots of fun to play with.